I started to transfer the credits from my computer to the other computer that had all of our film on it, so that we could insert it into the film on the Final Cut software. I did this via the college email however it didnt work successfully so I had to find another way to get it on the computer. Whilst I did this Chloe and Sarah where picking the footage to instert into the film. I borrowed Daves hardrive and transfered the credits without any problems.
After I did this, we talked, as a group, about the sound track and voice over we still needed to do. It was our last lesson of editing so we needed to do it get the sound done and up on the final cut so we could imcorporate it into the film. We decided to split the work up so I would go and write a script and record the voice over, using my voice. We decided to use my voice because Sarah and Chloe both agreed I had a soothing storytelling voice.
First to get an idea of what I needed to wirte I looked at a video off youtube from a film called 'Enchanted' which has a narrative for a beginning. This is shown below ( up to 1:19 seconds):
After I did this, we talked, as a group, about the sound track and voice over we still needed to do. It was our last lesson of editing so we needed to do it get the sound done and up on the final cut so we could imcorporate it into the film. We decided to split the work up so I would go and write a script and record the voice over, using my voice. We decided to use my voice because Sarah and Chloe both agreed I had a soothing storytelling voice.
First to get an idea of what I needed to wirte I looked at a video off youtube from a film called 'Enchanted' which has a narrative for a beginning. This is shown below ( up to 1:19 seconds):
This helped me a little by giving me the basic idea of how to start my narrative, with that fresh in my mind I began my narrative.
Below is What I chose to say:
Me: Once Upon a time
There was an ordinary young girl
Who was unaware of the powers bestowed upon her by the magical creatures of the land she wished she was in;
3seconds wait
Her name was Fluer
When the girl grew tired of the world she lived in
2seconds wait
Her heritage would call to her...
1second wait
Fluer *Whisphering* - repeat 3 times
Wake up Fluer *Whispher*
Everything in her world shone like the sun, the golden leaves dazzled and danced in the wind
And she knew she was no longer in her world
The water fairies blessedher as she awoke
Water fairies:
"Do not be afriad"
"You must be suprised"
"You are our princess"
"Explore your world princess"
Me: And so, she did.
I think the voice over script is good until it reaches the 'water fairy' voices. I feel that it drags on a bit and I feel this would make the viewer loose interest in the story or get bored. I think that we should try to avoid this when editing and cut some of the voice over out.
End Narrative
I think this narrative goes well with the footage because it explains the main characters actions, thoughts and feelings without having the main character say anything. The timing was important as we had to save time by getting the spacing between what I say and the actions in the film correct and in sync. I feel we did this well because we accoplished this and managed to focus more on our music.
Towards the end of the lesson our chances of getting finished by the end of the lesson got tighter and tighter, by 2 o'clock we had completed the editing of our footage and inserting the voice over. We now only had the credits and music to import to be finished. By 2:15pm we had manged to successfully import our credits however they where too small to fit the screen so we stretched them to make them visible on the final cut software. Once we did this we had to ask help for importing the music as we didn't know how to do it, after it was imported we had 10 minutes until the end of the lesson so we put the music with our credits and put an underlay of soft mystical music under the narrative to remind the viewer that it is the beginning before the credits.
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