Tuesday 11 October 2011

Hannah Bicknell - What is your understanding of a U & PG classification?

My understanding of a U certificated film is that its contains positive moral framework and the viewers are offered reassuring counterbalnces to any violence, so the good guy always wins. I undertsand the film needs to contain no bad language, no drug, sex, or extreme violence or any discrimative references; as taken from the information given by the BBFC  ( British Board of Film Classification). There are many studios that produce U certificated films, this includes, Pixar studios & Walt Disney. Below is a trailer for Cars wich is U rated and produced by Pixar Animation Studios.

Another example of a U rated film is Monsters Inc. This is a familly film and contains light humour as well as tense but not prolonged violent scenes, nessacary for a U classification.

However, my understanding of a PG rated film is slightly different because of the content you see in PG films rather than in U films. For instance, PG flms are aimed at children who are 8 years of age or older, you are allowed to imply sexual references, to use mildely bad language, to include moderate violence and certain themes. I feel you have alot more freedom to explore ideas within a PG rated film rather than you do in a U rated one.
Here is an example. This is a Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone trailer:

I showed this trailer because it is a good example of how they use magical themes and incorperate moderate violence yet keep it within the BBFC guidelines.
Another good example of this would be, National Treasure:

I also showed this video because the people who made the film used historical context and turned it into an action. This film could be considered a family film because of the way they have used indirect humour, such as sarcasm or cynicism, to appeal to an older audience. This allows the film to have a wider target audience which would result in more cinema tickets being sold.

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