Tuesday 18 October 2011

Week 2 - Filming - Tuesday 18th October 2011

Today we started filming our two minute seuence. Each group was given a Samsung camera to use to film our media products. We enjoyed using the camera because it allowed us to watch back our clips and see what needed redoing and what didn't. We also liked the fact it was a tounch screen because we didn't have to keep pressing buttons to find out what they did, it gave us directions on the screen. The camera itself was pretty easy to use in my opinion. We also used the tripod that was supplied to us to help keep the shots steady however some shots where hand held for more effect.

Before we started filming we had to decide what part of our film we would shoot. We discussed the fact the weather was good enough to shoot our 'other world scene' as well as the the fact we had all our props on hand; such as the dresses, crown and make-up. We thougth this would be the better option, compared to filming our 'classroom scene'  which needs to be indoors. As we can do that in any weather, as well as we reqiured specific props such as extra people (extras) and the right dress, which needs to be posh/casual, for Chloe who is the main character. This portrays to the viewers that she is fairly 'well of'f' and that she also 'stands-out-from-the-crowd'.

After our discussion we went to our 'pond' location and began filming. Me and Sarah shared the filming we used various shots such as, extreme close up, of the main characters face.
We did this because it was our link to her world and the new one. It also kept the viewer wanting to watch more because they didn't no what was happening. We included mid shots, and long distance shots that where included in our shots plan, however we did not stick to the plan. We tried to use it as a guideline rather than a set rule to follow. We found by doing this it gave us more freedom to film different angles,  such as over the shoulder and POV shots, that may not have been included into the plan. We tried to use shots that the enchanted film had used for instance the mid shot which was used in the opening and the rest of the film as shown below:

To make the shots interesting we used props such as bubbles and glitter that I supplied to make the new world seem more mystical. I though the bubbles worked well with the overall camera shots however I felt the glitter didn't work as well because it didnt show up that well on the camera and in the scenes. However the overall mise-en-scene worked well because of the way the sun was shining it gave a nice glow to the location, which helped alot.

This is also an example of one of our long shots that we took.

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